Full Stack Developer


Ümit Can Canlı

About Me

Ümit Can Canlı
LinkedIn Github
🎂 Age: 24
👨‍🎓 Degree: Bachelor's Degree
🏫 Study: Sakarya University
🏙️ City: İzmir, Turkey
📧 Email: [email protected]

Hi, I'm Ümit 👋 I have 5+ years of full stack development experience with mainly Microsoft Technologies such as C#, .net/.net core, ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework and MSSQL. I love to research and learn new technologies to be more productive.

I currently live in İzmir, Turkey. Watching foreign films and listening rock music are my biggest hobbies. I can communicate in 3 languages: Turkish, English and German.


Ege University

İzmir, Turkey 2022-now MSc in Computer Engineering

Sakarya University

Sakarya, Turkey 2015-2020 Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering

Ümraniye Anatolian High School

İstanbul, Turkey 2011-2015


  • Proximo, Inc.

    Full Stack Developer 06/2022 - now

    Proximo is an information technology services firm that specializes in three core areas: data analytics & business intelligence, data warehousing & integration, and data strategy & governance. I'm currently working as Full Stack Developer at Proximo.


    • Proveedor

      Proveedor is a platform solution for aggregating and most importantly reporting and analyzing the data a Supplier Diversity program needs.

      C# ASP.NET Web API MSSQL Azure Domain Driven Design HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery AJAX
    • DisabilityIN

      Disability:IN is the leading nonprofit resource for business disability inclusion worldwide.

      C# ASP.NET MSSQL Azure Domain Driven Design HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery AJAX

    Analyst Software Developer 09/2021 - 06/2022

    NMQ Digital helps clients execute digital marketing operations such as content & campaign management, SEO, analytics and CRM in a cost-effective manner. I had been working as Analyst Software Developer at NMQ Digital.


    • JAMS

      I had been providing support, fixing bugs and adding new modules in Jams project. We were using a content management system that called CrownPeak with ASP.NET. I was mainly focusing frontend technologies and using Crownpeak most of the time.

      Jams is the biggest ADR provider in the US. With our system, they can manage their cases, get payments and interact with neutrals.

      C# ASP.NET Web API HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery AJAX
  • Ahbap

    Full Stack Developer 09/2020 - 09/2021

    Ahbap is a non-profit organization that has more than 15000 volunteers all around Turkey to help people. We created a new system with v2 for taking solidarity applications online and managing volunteers. I had been working as a Full Stack Developer at Ahbap. I was managing all processes from databases to CI/CD.


    • Ahbap.org v2 Development

      I created a whole new system for Ahbap to manage their volunteers and solidarity apllications they receive. I migrated the project from PHP to .net core and added some modules. I used C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript, DDD, MySQL for main database, MongoDB for storing SMS and Email records, NHibernate as ORM, RabbitMQ for queueing, Amazon S3 to store documents, .Net Core Web API, AngularJS, ElasticSearch, IYZICO Payment Gateway and Docker.

      Volunteers of Ahbap can use the volunteer management system that I created, for managing their volunteership, reading latest news and announcements. People who need help can also fill a solidarity application form that can be created by staff to get help they need. Staff can also review these applications and decide that a person needs help or not. People who want to become a volunteer can also fill an application. After submitting the form, they have to pass some test that can be created by Ahbap staff, to become a volunteer. So, there is a learning management system also.

      C# ASP.NET Core Web API MySQL LINQ NHibernate RabbitMQ MongoDB Domain Driven Design HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery AngularJS AJAX ElasticSearch Amazon S3 Docker Git
  • Exert

    Full Stack Developer 01/2019 - 03/2020

    Exert is a company that creates software solutions mainly for universities and ministries. We had been using Microsoft technologies such as .net/.net core, C# and MSSQL. I had been working as a Full Stack Developer in Exert Computer Technologies.


    • Bursa Uludağ University Foreign Student Examination System

      I provided support and added new modules to the project. The website had been written with ASP.NET Web Forms. MSSQL had been used for database and Entity Framework as ORM. Also, EPPlus had been used for creating and managing Excel files.

      Every year more than 30000 students apply for Foreign Student Exam in Bursa Uludağ University. They can apply and manage their applications in the website. Also, university staff can review and manage these applications.

      C# ASP.NET Web Forms MSSQL LINQ Entity Framework HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery AJAX EPPlus Git
    • Exam Management System For: Ministry Of Justice Department Of Meditation, Alternative Solutions and Expertise

      I created a exam management system for Ministry of Justice Department. The website has been being used by lawyers that want to become an arbitrator in Turkey. Ministry of Justice Department staff can view these applications and manage them.

      The Ministry Of Justice staff can review and manage the applications that created by lawyers who want to be a mediator.

      C# ASP.NET Web Forms MSSQL LINQ Entity Framework HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery AJAX Git
    • Beykoz University Certificate Programs Management System

      We created a video course portal for Beykoz University. Users can buy any plan they want and join the portal. The website written in ASP.NET Web Forms. We used MSSQL for database and Entity Framework for ORM.

      People who want to get a certificate can buy plans and they can watch videos based on the plan.

      C# ASP.NET Web Forms MSSQL LINQ Entity Framework HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery AJAX Git

Side Projects

Hineks Projects

Hineks is a software development group with 4 members who build projects together.

  • Maraton Academy

    11/2020 - now

    Maraton Academy is a learning management system. We integrated Zoom to have lessons and used IYZICO for payment system. I'm still providing support for the system.

    C# ASP.NET Core LINQ NHibernate MySQL HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery AJAX
  • Ancora

    06/2020 - 10/2020

    I provided support, added new modules to the project and created a whole new management panel for staff. The website had been written with ASP.NET Core MVC. MSSQL had been used for database and Entity Framework as ORM.

    Ancora.com is an eCommerce website. With this website the company that called Ancora could sell their products and company staff manage orders online. Users can buy products using online payment system and view their orders.

    C# ASP.NET Core Domain Driven Design LINQ Entity Framework MSSQL HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery AJAX
  • Çay Yolla

    06/2020 - 09/2020

    Çay Yolla is a mobile application that helps teahouse owners to receive and manage their sales online.

    C# .NET Core Web API JavaScript NodeJS React Native Mongo DB

Personal Projects

  • Ekşitools

    12/2021 - now

    Ekşitools is a chrome extension for Ekşi Sözlük (Sour Dictionary), that has more than 300 million unique visitors yearly. With this extensions, users can archive the entries they want and when the entry edited, they can review the differences between edits. Other users can see the archives also. They can also follow topics with live mode that is not a feature in the website. I used HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and jQuery for extension. I created a web api using .net core and Entity Framework. I used MySQL as database for the project.

    C# ASP.NET Core Web API LINQ Entity Framework MySQL HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery AJAX
  • Sakarya İngilizce

    09/2020 - 11/2020

    I've created a website for Sakarya British Town Language School. With this website school staff could present their school and receive new applications. Also, there is a student portal that provides a form to students for confirming their attendance to the lessons.

    C# ASP.NET Core LINQ Entity Framework MSSQL HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery AJAX
  • Şahin Driving School Customer Relationship Management System

    12/2019 - 02/2020

    I've created a Windows Forms Application for managing customers and sales for Şahin Driving School.

    C# .Net Framework Windows Forms Application LINQ ADO.NET MS Access

Volunteer Works


Please click the skill name that you want to highlight in project technologies.

Contact Me

Contact Me

Please feel free to contact me, if you have project ideas or any questions about me!

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